Castro Electric provides professional EV charger installation in Chesterfield, VA. Ensure your electric vehicle is always ready to go. Castro Electric specializes in EV charger installation services f
Electrical Panel Replacement in Richmond, VA
Castro Electric offers expert electrical panel replacement services in Richmond, VA. Ensure safety and efficiency with our professional team. Upgrading your electrical panel is vital for modernizing y
The Advantages of LED Lighting for Your Home
The Advantages of LED Lighting for Your Home Luxurios kitchen with built in bench lights Lighting is an essential part of any home, and with the advancements in technology, LED lighting has become inc
EV Charger Install: what you should consider
EV Charger Install: what you should consider Electric black vehicle using electric car charging station at home. Particular Electric Vehicle Charging Station at home garage with bicycle hanging on the
Is it time to replace your electrical panel
Is it time to replace your electrical panel Wired electrical terminals on metal bar wiring cable box, residential house under construction new home As a homeowner, you may not think about your electri